
26 March 2015 024storytelling & movement and mime workshops for youths

In 2015 Jungle Theatre Company developed two 2-hour workshops for teenagers and young people in the unique Jungle style. Both workshops explore the theme ‘transition’. The movement and mime workshop starts with a short performance demonstrating the techniques the participants will learn and use to express themselves during the workshop and beyond. A traditional story starts the story telling workshop. Participants learn story telling skills and bring the story to life by retelling it in their own words using music and characterization.



skills transfer workshops for youth leaders and volunteers

Jungle Theatre Company develops and tailors theatre skills programmes for partner organisations and people who work with children and young people. In 2007 Jungle Theatre Company created a pilot programme for Edmund Rice Camps and in 2011 it expanded this process implementing drama skills training with Greater Retreat Youth Forum and Partners with After School Care Projects. During the training participants create and perform their own play while learning to facilitate children or teenagers in the same process. In addition Jungle Theatre Company has created shorter programmes for UNIMA (Puppetry) SA.



Laduma for Web 2014Laduma! young theatre-maker training and employment programme

In 2007 Jungle Theatre Company ran a year-long pilot programme with six trainees, who were cast in productions in 2008 as freelance artists. Two of the 2007 graduates still are part of the current artistic team.

In 2010 Jungle Theatre Company trained 8 young performers on a two-year course in theatre making for children and youth called Laduma Jungle Training. The programme resulted in an expanded company of actors who are cast in Jungle Theatre Company’s repertoire of touring productions. The actors have been trained as facilitators and use the Laduma Jungle training programme as an evolving process to children and youth in theatre skills, including an outreach project with Baphumelele Fountain of Hope.

All artists are offered continuing professional development opportunities through internal projects and industry workshops.


IMG_0987-300x200educators’ workshops

Jungle Theatre Company develops workshops for educators so they can use theatre techniques and skills across the range of learning areas in the curriculum. Teachers participate in the workshops and experience the creative process that learners go through. The games and exercises can be used to provide creative, participatory experiential learning.



eMzantsi for Web Feb 2014schools intercultural workshops

For the Harlequin Foundation’s eMzantsi carnival and community building project, Jungle Theatre Company has helped design, develop and implement five primary school twinning programmes. Children from two very different schools go through a carnival arts process together, learning in each others’ communities and building friendships across traditional cultural divides. Ntombifuthi Mkhasibe currently leads the creative process.

Jungle Theatre Company instigated an intercultural programme for children from Constantia and Zenzeleni Waldorf Schools to learn theatre skills together in each other’s communities in 2012 and 2013.

In 2013, Jungle Theatre Company implemented an intercultural theatre programme for children from Muizenberg and Lavender Hill through the involvement of parents and the Village Care Centre. The programme resulted in two showcases, and received great support from local artists, who helped make it happen.


Intra-mural-1extra mural drama workshops

Jungle Theatre Company has provided a rolling extra mural programme for schools including: Rondebosch Boys Preparatory, Cannons Creek Primary, Wynberg Boys Primary, Yeshua Christian Primary, Grove Primary, Muizenberg Junior and Rosebank Junior.In addition Jungle Theatre Company raises funds to provide programmes in underprivileged schools for example: Eluxolweni and Ikhusi Primary schools in Khayetlisha, in 2012 and 2013 respectively. During the workshops, children learn theatre skills including mime, music, storytelling, dance and puppetry. They play games that engage their imagination and create fun performances generated from their own ideas that are performed as a showcase for peers, teachers and family members.


Extra-mural-21-300x157intra mural drama workshops

Jungle Theatre Company facilitated curriculum-based drama for all grades at Grove Primary during 2005.
In 2008 Jungle Theatre Company established an intramural programme Kiss Waste Goodbye linking three local schools, Muizenberg Junior, Zerilda Park Primary and Levana Primary. Working with Grade 4s, Jungle Theatre Company built large parade puppets from waste for Pick Up Litter Parade with visual artists Junkanew. Through a series of intra mural workshops, the following year’s Grade 4s created a short play, dance and made costume hats. A combined showcase where the three schools brought their messages about reduce, reuse, recycle together through dance and song was opened by Councillor Demetri Qually.

workshop funders:

  • Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
  • City of Cape Town Economic, Social Development and Tourism Arts and Culture Unit
  • City of Cape Town Subcouncil 19
  • Country Lane Developments
  • Edmund Rice Camps
  • Harlequin Foundation
  • HCI Foundation
  • National Arts Council
  • National Lotteries Commission
  • UNIMA (Puppetry) SA