!Kai – A Little Death

!Kai – A Little Death is a non-linear story set in the real and dream landscape of the desert and the dying mind. Using the interplay of a live actor with shadow puppetry, projections and masks, the play creates dynamic juxtapositions between the powerful depiction of trance dance, Khoisan mythology and the surreal weightlessness of the unconscious dream; and contrasting, recurring soundscapes of the crash and the crickets of the desert.

Dale Palmer’s in bad shape. Lying, dying in his crashed and burned microlight, somewhere in the Karoo. Never mind that he absconded, following the news of his girlfriend’s pregnancy. How could he cope with the responsibility? Could anyone find him now, anyway?

As time ticks on, and death draws ever nearer, Dale is hallucinating. He finds himself dealing with his distant and recent past whilst scenes of desperation, symbols from Khoisan mythology and visions of nature haunt him. There is a remedy for everything except death, but can Dale find the will to fight for life?

Set in the real and dream landscape of the desert and the dying mind, !Kai – A Little Death uses the interplay of live acting, shadow puppetry, projections and masks.

!Kai – A Little Death is 45 minutes in duration and best suited to teenagers and young adults. The production made its debut at the Cape Town Fringe Festival in October 2014.

currently starring:

Vincent Meyburgh with puppetry by SHRiNKray Puppets and music by Jannous Aukema performed with Seiso Qhola. Directed by Chris Bergmann & Jessica Mias-Jones.